Simplified connection of section steels in steel reinforced concrete beams and columns
General steel concrete beam, column steel connection such as the connection of steel structure steel, flange and web joints are double-sided with cover (perforated) high strength bolt connection or splice welding

General steel concrete beam, column steel connection such as the connection of steel structure steel, flange and web joints are double-sided with cover (perforated) high strength bolt connection or splice welding. If the section steel joint is in the key part of the external bending moment is not large, the simplified connection method can be used when the seismic structure grade is three. The simplified connection method is that the flange of the shaped steel is connected with less or no cover plate, and its bending and shear resistance are supplemented by additional reinforcement. Only web is bolted with cover plate. In this way, the defects after the opening of the narrow flange can be avoided, and the construction is more convenient, and the density of steel in the protective layer at the beam steel joint can be reduced.
Simplified connection
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